Testing new products

Today I am sharing those products which I opened up yesterday. I always enjoy watching empties and it encourages me to use up and open new products more. 😃

🌸Meg cosmetics moisturizing and vitalizing jelly mask: The step 1 is a peeling bud. Just run this over the face for getting 8% AHA. As you all know jelly masks are one of my favorite sheet mask types to try. I was enthusiatic to open this mask. The fit and material were very comfortable to wear. Essence is a bit sticky but when topped it with a cream it did not bother me. I simply loved how soft and supple my skin felt use. There was lots of jelly in the remaining pack to use up as on neck and hands. Swipe for a sheet mask selfie and ingredient list on my Instagram.
Where to buy: Click here
🌸Drunkelephant C Firma serum: I finally finished up my previous bottle of serum. It lasted me for 3 months. I used it about once in every two days as this doesn.t get washed off and effective for 72 hours Its my favorite Vitamin C serum.* Bonus tip*. Where to buy: Click here
🌸Kravebeauty matcha hemp cleanser: This is a lovely gentle cleanser which has a psyllium husk like scent. This is very gentle yet effective cleanser. Where to buy: Click here
🌸Sunday riley lactic acid treatment: I generally use glycolic acid as my AHA. I wanted to experiment more with other acids hence got this baby. I am yet to form an opinion, just as a first impression it did not irritate my skin. Where to buy: Click here
🌸Neogen Derma deca spray: The mister is very fine and this is moderately hydrating. I am still testing this one, so far its a lightweight toner spray. Where to buy: Click here
🌸Soldejanerio bum bum cream: My gosh I am obsessed with this body butter. Smells so good and hydrating as well. Where to buy: Click here

For detailed post on this, please visit my InstagramLove xoxo. ðŸ’—

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  1. Isn't always fun to test new products out.

